Krakatoa – talk club

Monthly art/science/technology talks by the best and hardest working professionals in this young, but fast growing interdisciplinary field.

Since November 2012, we have been organising monthly presentations / talks sessions of people working in the intersection of art, science and technology. Modern and cosy library at Goethe Institut in Bratislava provides just the right informal atmosphere for the talks and long discussions about the state of art in this exciting field.

Steady audience of around 30 university students and young artists, scientists or technologists keeps the discussion alive, making the event a good place for networking and forming of new collaborations. We love to see people with common interests getting to know each other, getting inspired and sharing their knowledge. We started with speakers from Slovakia, but recently, majority of our speakers are international guests. Some examples of our former guests include: Zuzana Haladová, a computer vision researcher, Pavol Rusnák hacker and new media artist,  Pascaline Lorentz French sociologist examining the impact of computer games on society, Felipe Cussen sound poet from Chile and many, many more.


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